Éowyn protests to Aragorn, "All your words are but to say: you are a woman, and your part is in the house." What are Éowyn's and Aragorn's views of her duty? What variety of women does Tolkien present in The Lord of the Rings? What roles do they play?Ħ. How do Pippin and Merry fulfill their oaths of service to Lord Denethor and King Théoden? What is remarkable about the two hobbits entering the armed service of two great leaders?ĥ. Gandalf tells Denethor, Steward of Gondor, "For I also am a steward." Of what and whom is Gandalf a steward and by what authority? What "worthy things" now in peril do you care for, and why?Ĥ. Comparing Gandalf and Denethor, Pippin notes that "Gandalf had the greater power and the deeper wisdom, and a majesty that was veiled." How would you describe Gandalf's power, wisdom, and majesty? How are they revealed? How is Gandalf's majesty similar to and different from the majesty of others?ģ. What are the main characteristics of the various towns and cities of Middle-earth, from Hobbiton to Minas Tirith? How do the layout and construction of each reflect the needs and way of life of its inhabitants?Ģ.